
If The legend of zelda Majoras mask happened like in real life.

If The legend of zelda Majoras mask happened like in real life. With the power of an N64 you can model 100 people at the same time. in those 100 people, you should have - 10 ultra rich who do lobbyism to try to convince people that the moon doesn't gonna fall and try to make the more money of it by merchandising it - 10 ultra poor who come to work in the festival even if they hear they’re probably gonna die because they need money for their 13 children family (alimony child not included) - 5 guy who try to tell all the people here to get the fuck out of here BECAUSE A FUCKING MOON GONNA FALL DOWN - 10 guy who scream at them, "IT'S NOT TRUE THE MOON DON'T FALL DOWN, IN FACT, THE MOON DOESN'T EXIST IT'S JUST A REFLECTION OF THE SUN MADE BY SOME ILLUMINATI LIZARD" - 5 guys who dance naked with marked on their body "My body, my choice to be flattened by the moon" - 30 guys who come to the festival while knowing that ...
"Men don't like female action led movie"     Yes we love them, but not when you make them the way you think we like them. It's simple.. if a film try to please everyone, to be politically correct. it gonna be shit. wanna make good movie with women character. then stop trying to say the world is good, everything is equal, and all gonna be nice, and women are good because they beat men, who the fuck give a shit if she is better than men. When you win and you are happy because you win, and because you fighted, it's awesome. when you win and you are happy because you beaten someone, it's petty. right now, women movie are petty, like the point of the whole movie is for women to take revenge on men/inequality/wathever the fuck you want. who give a fuck about revenge, if it's the whole point of your life, then it's a shitty life. you where mistreated ? bad mouthed, mesestimed ? don't give a fuck. THAT is a great story, a woman who win de...
I think that pediatrist doctor should make partnership with funeral company. I mean, with those anti-vaxx people who rise, it's a market to take. "Ho you don't want to vaccine your child ? okay. Here a brochure from one of our partner." "And if you are vegan, we also have the biodegradable version if you want." This way they gonna have two thing who gonna happen. 1) Doctor gonna have 10 to 20% of bonus on salary for each child who die without being vaccinated and sended to their funeral partner. 2) PEOPLE GONNA VACCINE THEIR FUCKING CHILD !!!
If there is one thing that changed all my mind during my life. It's the concept of enthropie. With that concept in mind, it changed my whole world. Suddenly, what people think isnt important because they are just carbon base life form with 80 years of lifespan who live on a spaceship in the universe who gonna b e blowup by the sun and then froze to die for eternity when each and every atom of the universe gonna achieve enthropie and come back to a stable state who gonna bring the whole universe to be stuck in a dark and perpetual absolute zero state until it crumble on itself and start a new big bang again. So who give a fuck about what that cunt from below think of me. She gonna die anyway. Like everyone and everything. And this sole and only though is beautiful. Because what it mean is that everything is fundamentaly meaningless. And that include life on earth. And if its meaningless. That mean that the one and only meaning of life on earth or elsewhere is to find a way to be...
I don't understand why, but apparently, each tell to a guy that he should install an adblocker on is browers, it's like it's magical... i mean, for me it's always been in the basic backpack of the internet user. like firefox, but for normal user, it is not at all obvious. probably because all those people pass half or their life looking to the tv, and so they are told that seeing 12hour of pub per day is kind of absolutly normal... but for me.. i can't passe a minute on youtube without a addblock... it kinda drive me mad... so here i am. i make my BA for the year. Dowload Ublock here firefox (good people ^_^ ) : google chrome (dumbass pigeon) : there we go... with this, you can free your mind and live a life free of lobby brain washing and dumb thing.  i'm your liberator. Praise me. Worship me....
People are like. "Why don't you make friend ? Friend is fun, friend is good, you can ask them thing, you can make them do stuff for you, you can buy them thing to make them happy...." And im like "who the fuck are you, get the fuck out of my home..." I have friend, like..... INTERNET yeah !!!. Do you know a better friend ? Do you have a friend that give you porn, and free movie and free game and you can talk with about anything and even block out part that you dont like. The best friend *_* And i have a cat... so i already got enough trouble in my life to deal with human in the real world.
when i walk in my city during christmas time, i see hanged santa claus everywere... people must really hate him.