If The legend of zelda Majoras mask happened like in real life.
If The legend of zelda Majoras mask happened like in real life. With the power of an N64 you can model 100 people at the same time. in those 100 people, you should have - 10 ultra rich who do lobbyism to try to convince people that the moon doesn't gonna fall and try to make the more money of it by merchandising it - 10 ultra poor who come to work in the festival even if they hear they’re probably gonna die because they need money for their 13 children family (alimony child not included) - 5 guy who try to tell all the people here to get the fuck out of here BECAUSE A FUCKING MOON GONNA FALL DOWN - 10 guy who scream at them, "IT'S NOT TRUE THE MOON DON'T FALL DOWN, IN FACT, THE MOON DOESN'T EXIST IT'S JUST A REFLECTION OF THE SUN MADE BY SOME ILLUMINATI LIZARD" - 5 guys who dance naked with marked on their body "My body, my choice to be flattened by the moon" - 30 guys who come to the festival while knowing that ...