I know what we miss in real life.

An achievement system.

20 point : Staying alive : you survived another year

100 point : breathe : you succesufully stayed calm face to 1000 moron

50 point : lets fuck : virginity lost

10 point : its just a fleswound : surviving a car crash

5 point : Houston , we got a problem : getting married

1 point : A dog who can talk 0o : having a child

100 point : i’m freeeeeee : divorcing
1point : you finished the game : dying

And then you can use the point to restart a life with bonus or malus like

0 => 999 point : you are definitly dead

999 => 4999 point : hard mode : you start in a poor family you know that life is shit. You gonna play a cursed artist or a really ugly people and you gonna die from starvation or shoot yourself before passing 25 years warning. Small cance to become a great leader/scientist who gonna cange the world or a monster who gonna ruin it

5000 => 10000 normal mode. You start in a average family. You are average yourself and you live an average life without searching to understand anything

10000 =>15000 easy mode : you start in a super duper rich family and you can pass your whole life doing what you want and you you are beautiful but with a probability to be pretty dumb


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