Idéa of super power : Quantic summon.

You can summon and send away a version of you from an alternate universe who was gonna do exactly what you wanted to do at this right instant.

You need to enter a place but you don’t know how. well summon the alternate version of you who gonna do it in is own réality and who gonna lock pick this exact same door in his own universe.

You want to brake right in front of this fucker who is stuck on your ass on the highway but it’s stupid because it gonna wreck your car. Summon the alternate version of you who did it anyway.

You want to fuck. summon the girl/shemale/male/kid/furry/dog/fleshlight version of you and fuck all you want.

You want to rule the world : Summon the version of you who actually rule the world and take advice.

You want to never die. Summon the version of you who find the immortality serum.

Possibility are as limitless than they are limitless parallel world with limitless possibility. 


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