If they are one thing that make me laugh. Its the ecology.

I mean. Actually they are two way to see thing

1) Humanity is the major cause of the climat change in the world.

Well. We are fucked. We have started the 6e mass extinction. We are way to slow to change anything because no one want to be deprived of something. And the lobby arent really ok with that either. And the governement only want one thing.

Nothing move. Nothing change and we make money. Sooo they don’t really gonna do anything either.

And that lead to one thing. Humanity on earth is fucked.

2) humanity is a little to not at all responsible of the change in the world. And if so, we are also totally incapable to stop anything and humanity on earth is fucked.

But even with all that. People go crying in the street “save the world”. But i find that totally dumb. Its more “save the humanity”. The world gonna survive. Even if it’s a radioactive wasteland or a desert. It gonna survive….. for some time at least because anyway, in 4.8 billion of years. He gonna be blowed up by the sun and we gonna already be all dead since a while. Or lefted the planet way before that…

So who care.


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