In reality, if vegan people really wanted to save cow and other beast,
they should do more than just meat shaming people (that dosen’t work
btw) they should take their place. Imagine, generation of vegan people
who live like cattle, eat grass, get breed and milked and then get
slaughtered for their meat to provide food to other. We could stop world
hunger and overpopulation but noooo, it’s more fun to just piss off
people while intellectually masturbating “hooo i feel so superior to you
that i can literraly jizz my brain right to your face”.
If there is one thing that changed all my mind during my life. It's the concept of enthropie. With that concept in mind, it changed my whole world. Suddenly, what people think isnt important because they are just carbon base life form with 80 years of lifespan who live on a spaceship in the universe who gonna b e blowup by the sun and then froze to die for eternity when each and every atom of the universe gonna achieve enthropie and come back to a stable state who gonna bring the whole universe to be stuck in a dark and perpetual absolute zero state until it crumble on itself and start a new big bang again. So who give a fuck about what that cunt from below think of me. She gonna die anyway. Like everyone and everything. And this sole and only though is beautiful. Because what it mean is that everything is fundamentaly meaningless. And that include life on earth. And if its meaningless. That mean that the one and only meaning of life on earth or elsewhere is to find a way to be...
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