My plan to save the humanity by bringing it close to the annilhation
Step 1 : go on marsStep 2 : build a gigantic rail gun and use the soil of mars filled with iron oxyde to build munition
Step 3 : fire iron bullet from mars to earth. Speed of impact gonna nuke city or even country
Step 4 : take the world on hostage. Destroy all insurection and squad team sended to mars to kill you (6 month of travel. You have time to see them come)
Step 5 : rule the world as the most barbaric tyrant of all time and kill at least 40 to 50% of the population
Step 6 : after 50 or 60 years of reign. Secretly help a resistance group to find a way to kill you.
Step 7 : humanity unite against you and kill you.
Step 8 : humanity live in peace as you go down in history as the worst monster of all time.
Happy end
Bonus bad end : if they are just to stupid and keep fighting themselves just kill them all it gonna bring peace to :p
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