The one true thing that i really hate about religion is not that it’s stupid. I mean i can understand that people are efraid to be alive and are efraid to die and that the idea of a old guy who watch them and save them from the oblivion can be appealing. And honestly, what people choose to belive is not my problem and i dont give a shit.

No my true problem is that it’s slow down the fucking world because they can’t just belive peacefully in their home. They need to have a fucking moral judgement on anything.

You want to abort because you are pregnant after a rape ? 

"Nooo it’s baaaad keep it and live both of you a short and miserable life because the rapist haved aids"

You want to create a particle accelerator to discover new thing about the universe even if they are a insignificant probabylity to create a black hole who gonna destroy the world.

"Noooooo you go to fast and its the domain of god and its blasphemy"

LGBT people want to adopt kid to be a family and bring happiness to a orphan kid 

"Nooooo its much better for him to live in a orphanage until he is drop out on the street at 16 years. And its much better to keep fucking like rabbit instead of adopting kid that are already here because procreation is a order of god and i dont give a fuck about kid without my dna inside even if i dont belive in dna or evolution……"

Beleving in a imaginary friend does not make you better than other people and certainly not give you the right to judge them because they are LGBT or scientist or whatever the fuck desplease you.

So stop being shitty people. Stop slowing down the humanity. Stop judging other while telling you that its what god want. Go live your fucking own life, mind your own fucking buisness and die terrorised when you are old like everybody else before slipping in the void…


Ps : people who actually do mind their own buisness and do that at home without implicating anybody else. You are good people keep it like that.


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