
Affichage des articles du décembre, 2018
when i walk in my city during christmas time, i see hanged santa claus everywere... people must really hate him.
For christmas, i asked a DNA typage. they take a little of your blood and they tell you what kind of ancestor you have, That way you gonna have a legal proof that you can joke about black or asian or women or anyone “Shut up dude. Of course i can insult jew. I’m 0.2% jew myself from my father” "how that i can't tell you that you are a nigger ? it's friendly, i'm 0.3% nigger myself dude one of my ancestor rapped a slave they bringed back on the Amistad" “The fuck i cant i make sexist joke on women ? Shadap im 50% women, my mom is one of them” gonna be way much easier !
A guy just annonced that he have génétically modified two child before they were born to be immune to AIDS (their dad was contaminated) with the controversed CRISPR cas9 technology. and as far as we know, they are immune to aids. so it's a fucking gigantic step forward. but of course the scientific community is offended because it was unetical and dangerous and mostly they wanted to do it first and being beaten by a asian it's fuck. but now it's to late to cry, pandora's box is open, so now we gonna see two thing. first of all, we gonna see a gigantic reduction of genetic decease by "vaccinating" the child of sick parents. second of all, We can now make the baby we want, you want a boy or a girl ? blue eyes or green, black hair or blond ? small, big, strong, fast, etc etc everything on demand. Gonna be a really boring world where their is no fatty, no ugly, no small or dumb or bald or anything, Nobody to make fun of...
I’ts pretty obvious why people like to be social parasite… My contract end in one month, and it lasted one year, and during this year. almost 40% of my salary was used for re-fuelling my car and paying toll fee. With unemployment, i have the right to touch 75% of my last salary during one year, so that littéraly mean that i have the right to do nothing during one year, and that i’m augmented of 15% (because i’m not gonna have deplacement cost anymore) logic…
The guy who puted Ctrl-x and Ctrl-w next to each other is an asshole
I know what we miss in real life. An achievement system. 20 point : Staying alive : you survived another year 100 point : breathe : you succesufully stayed calm face to 1000 moron 50 point : lets fuck : virginity lost 10 point : its just a fleswound : surviving a car crash 5 point : Houston , we got a problem : getting married 1 point : A dog who can talk 0o : having a child 100 point : i’m freeeeeee : divorcing   1point : you finished the game : dying And then you can use the point to restart a life with bonus or malus like 0 => 999 point : you are definitly dead 999 => 4999 point : hard mode : you start in a poor family you know that life is shit. You gonna play a cursed artist or a really ugly people and you gonna die from starvation or shoot yourself before passing 25 years warning. Small cance to become a great leader/scientist who gonna cange the world or a monster who gonna ruin it 5000 => 10000 normal mode. You start in a average f
You know. When i face a computer who is in a really bad shape. Like a poor thing who run with a P2, 4gig of ram, a 5200 tps hard drive on ide and no graphic card and who run a W10 on it. I feel like im gonna shot down a wounded horse….
One of the sad thing that happen now is the “Fight for Right” but not in the good way. In the old time. People used to fight to have more right. Right for black people. Right of vote fo women. Right for homo to stay alive. Etc. But now people fight to reduce the right of other people using the “discrimination” or “equal right” card. “ I’m straight and i’m a so horrible parent that my child have been taken from me and placed in a new family and during this time the homo want to adopt child, its scandalous !!! ” “ I’m single and i cant find a women/man and during this time lesbian and gay want to marry themselves. Scandalous !!! ” “ I’m a women who got fucked hard when i was young and got pregnant and then i continued because my parents who were christian told me that having child is good and aborting is bad. How the fuck those other women want to have sex and fun and dont have child even if this is their body and they should have the right to do whatever the fuck
Rule number one when you want to take a bath in a cold bathroom. Dont ever forget to warm up the wall of the bathtub exept if you want to freeze your back to death I hate the thermodynamic law….. Naaa i can’t stay mad at them. Who is the responsible for the future end of the universe and the death of all and everything ? Yes you are! yes you are! Good boy !
Video game company ask why people hack their game. Well for me its pretty simple… 1) the price 70 bucks for a game 0o fuck you im gonna play it for free and buy it during a steam sale in 3 month… 2) to try it before buying it. Yes because i cant find a way to make people try a game for free to help them to decide if they want to buy it  no really i dont see, they are right. Its super hard to find a way to let people try a game…. it's not like they could give us a trial time to test it online before buying it -_- fucker 3) ho i dont know MAYBE BECAUSE ITS MORE EASY TO PLAY TO A HACKED GAME THAN A REGULAR ONE TODAY ??? I mean what do you need to play a game today. The game… well actually the key of the game because today even when you buy the game in a box… you have to download it… The steam app or useless equivalent (u-origin-net) A account on all of those because sometime it look like a fucking demonic summon you buyed the game on steam but its a ubisoft g
The last weekend while i was discussing about anime on a discord chanel. I faced an opponent. The usual feminazi. And of course i got the usual “did you assume my gender you cis pig” ect. But you know what. It was right. You imagine the level of discrimination that i made myself guilty. I mean. First i assumed is gender. But i also assumed that it can read and write. I also assumed that it haved finger and eyes. I assumed that it was a human and even worse a intelligent life form… You can now see how serious this is. I wrongly assumed that…. it was my equal. I understand my crime and i’m gonna surrender myself to the closest police station to be guillotined as the tradition requires it in france Adieu Fucking cunt -_-……
If they are one thing that make me laugh. Its the ecology. I mean. Actually they are two way to see thing 1) Humanity is the major cause of the climat change in the world. Well. We are fucked. We have started the 6e mass extinction. We are way to slow to change anything because no one want to be deprived of something. And the lobby arent really ok with that either. And the governement only want one thing. Nothing move. Nothing change and we make money. Sooo they don’t really gonna do anything either. And that lead to one thing. Humanity on earth is fucked. 2) humanity is a little to not at all responsible of the change in the world. And if so, we are also totally incapable to stop anything and humanity on earth is fucked. But even with all that. People go crying in the street “save the world”. But i find that totally dumb. Its more “save the humanity”. The world gonna survive. Even if it’s a radioactive wasteland or a desert. It gonna survive….. for some tim
I love sience. It’s like boring magic. Fantasy world : You want to throw a fireball ? You just have to make a pact with baal or subjugating a fire spirit from the underworld or canalising your mana and throw it Real world : You want to throw a firebball ? Here a Hellfire missile you can throw one fireball with it and it cost 115000$ each time, BUT you can do it with a drone….. who cost 1 million. Fantasy world : You want to summon your familiar from the underworld to fight for you ? just make a circle on the ground and chant some incantation and TADAM !!! Real world : Slavery is illegal. Fantasy world : You want to resurect the dead, just summon the god of death, and make a pact and bring back people in zombie form, or be a paladin/priest and pray your god and bring back people alive but with XP loss. Real world : “CLEAR” *THUNK* “300 joules CLEAR” *THUNK* “it"s done, time of death, today” Fantasy world : You want to travel ? TELEPORTATION !! OR F
It’s sad that the work code dosen’t include the whole solar system. On pluto i have less than one year and its illegal to make newborn baby work.
Never understood the concept of halloween. We told each day of their life to children to not accept candy of strange people. To not talk to them. Exept the more spooky day of the year. At this time we told them exactly the opposite. Hey junior. Go see the old pedophile pervert desguised with a goth loli adolph hitler costume and ask him for is roofied candy…
One of the thing that i hate the most when i have to repair a computer is when the guy who own it tell me “it broke itself all alone” ……… NO YOU DUMB GIGANTIC CUNTOSAURE. No your fucking computer didnt download by himself a pronhub addon. No it didnt installed chrome or any other additional program that we propose you to instal during a setup by hitself No it didnt suddenly decided to dowload a joint piece from a mail. Open it and infect your computer with a shitty thing… 99% of the informatic problem are caused by the thing between the screen and the chair… SO SHUT THE FUCK UP !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I FUCKING HATE INSURANCE GUY !!!! Hoooo your beloved computer who worth 1500€ died from electrical damage ? So sad that when you signed your contract whe didn’t told you about the optional (AND FREE) electrical damage protection… And now that it is dead it’s to late to activate it. and it’s your fault, i mean, how do you want us to know that you wanted to protect your computer even if IT’S THE ONLY FUCKING THING WHO COST MORE THAN 300 BUCK’S IN YOUR FUCKING HOME ! And as you can’t prove that is death is actually caused by the electrician who worked at your home this exact same day. Our investigation say that your computer decided to commit suicide. so we not gonna ask their insurance to cover it either.
started to play monster hunter world last week. After 100 hour of game. I can say that…. yhea i like it (*fumpbloarf* <== sound of an imaginary public who just died and fall on a smooth matress of horse shit that i have gently put there for the case where it might be happening because i actually like something) I mean. Yes if course they are thing that piss me of. No possibility to autorun (my left hand hate you capcom), fucking runaway monster who flee after 30 minutes of hunt. People who kill a monster that you want to capture. People who kick you with their weapon in the middle of a combo. People who dont buff and die instantly on a monster and come back to do it again and fail the quest. People who tell you that killing monster is better even if when you capture them you have 1) more material 2) a arena quest to kill him again so that take you way less time to do it and you have double components. People who…….. wait….. No. Actually. I have almost nothin
If there is one thing that piss me of in Alien convenant, it’s the “Ho look, a planet with oxygen and water, let’s got do trekking in short”…. i mean even on earth they are some fucking place where we avoid to go without protection, radioactity, virus and bacteria, beast, contaminated water etc etc. but nooooo here they are “ hey, i have an idéa, let’s go do the test to see if this planete is viable for human without protection, but if we see that they are some parasite or virus or anything else who kill humain by making alien pop right througt their back while painting wall with their blood, we come back to the ship and put some hazmat combinaison, okay ? okay good. " Fuking dumbass…
I dont understand why people dosent trust evolution. I mean isnt that is super cool ? Imagine the fucking level of improbability of all that. First our planet formed right in the good distance to have the right temperature to have life. Then life form started to appear with we think the help of comete and meteor who bringed some element needed for life to develop Then from unicellular organism we survived evolved to live on the ground. When the world was ruled by dinosaure, we survived that. We survived of the 5 great extinction period. We survived to the fucking meteor who started the extinction of dinosaure. And there is approximatly 70000 years we even managed to rebuild all the human population with more or less 2000 specimen of human kind left alive on the whole fucking PLANET !!! And we becomed the fucking apex predator who rule the world. So why the fuck people prefer to believe that one day. A girl listened a snake, eated a apple and bam. We got fucked
Each time i want to pee during lunch break. Im confronted to a choice. Pee right now or wait until the end of the break and being paid to do it…
I trust more machine than human. Because if a machine screw up. I know it’s not with the objective to fuck me in mind
In the futur we gonna have two internet. The first one is “the corporate” it’s the one where we go actually. A internet without freedom of publication where brand and lobby tell us what to see, like, buy and think… a internet who look like the TV but with censor because they are comment section. And then whe gonna have the free internet with datacenter located in international water or space (who is also international water) where people gonna be free to say, think, make wathever the fuck they want without control or limit… a utopian internet….. with many pedophile content….. but still. What is the life of child compared to a free internet. We can make new child so yeah FREE INTERNET !!!!!
One of the worst thing on internet is probably the “drop down add” imagine, you are on a website minding your own buisness, and them BAM a fucking voice tell you that your computer is infected by some bulshit shit, so you try to find the add but she popped on another window behind all the other, you find it and try to close it, but they are a box who ask you to clic to scan your computer. each time you try to close the box it open again, while your real antivirus scream to you that they are real shhit who happen, you try everything, Ctrl W, alt f4 etc but nothing so finally you do a Ctrl alt suppr and you kill your process… you are safe BUT THEN YOU OPEN YOUR BROWSER AGAIN AND IT OPEN YOUR SESSION AGAIN AND THE FUCKING ADD IS HERE AGAIN FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFUCK YOUUUUUUUUUUUUU
Each fucking time i pack up my grocery while trying to make them fit in the bag. I hear the tetris theme
I wish that i could stack 5 or 10 salutation to each people i see so i dont have to salute them each day…
The one true thing that i really hate about religion is not that it’s stupid. I mean i can understand that people are efraid to be alive and are efraid to die and that the idea of a old guy who watch them and save them from the oblivion can be appealing. And honestly, what people choose to belive is not my problem and i dont give a shit. No my true problem is that it’s slow down the fucking world because they can’t just belive peacefully in their home. They need to have a fucking moral judgement on anything. You want to abort because you are pregnant after a rape ?  "Nooo it’s baaaad keep it and live both of you a short and miserable life because the rapist haved aids" You want to create a particle accelerator to discover new thing about the universe even if they are a insignificant probabylity to create a black hole who gonna destroy the world. "Noooooo you go to fast and its the domain of god and its blasphemy" LGBT people want to adopt
I am born to late to explore the world. To early to explore the universe. But i am born right in time to explore the web and all is depravity. Captain log. Date…. today : we finished the exploration of the datacenter of north america. I’ve lost 30 good crew member. All of them died of dehydration after being lost inside the nebula “alpha pornicula” and masturbating during 72 hours non stop. But i still have faith in our mission. I decided to set course for the galaxy M4chan where it seem to be some intelligent activity. But we need to comfirm.
The true and only nemesis of all mankind always gonna be a red button with “do not push” written on it
If there is one thing that i want to do before dying its living in a fantasy/scifi world with a neural interface VR headset I could literraly run away from the real world and live in a opium smoking like place where people come to be plugged to a virtual world and they are nurse who keep our real body alive
If i wanted only one thing to take from an animal. It’s gonna be the hemispheric sleep. Imagine sleeping with only half of your brain. You can play video game while sleeping. Or eating. Or driving. Or working. With this evolutionary skill i could sleep all my life while still doing thing
I think that the ultimate super power is the telekinesis. Because if we look a it. It mean you can manipulate the matters and so. The atom and sub atomic particles. With enough training you should be able to change the atomic composition of object and turning them to other thing, or create nuclear bomb from almost everything. Or pass through wall or flying. When you think of it. Dr Manhattan was just a super telekinesist.
If i become President. The only thing i will do for all my fucking mandat will be the creation of a FUCKING DATABASE with all the data of all the people. Imagine, Instead of having to fill forms again and again with the same fucking information, all the organisation (health assurance, and all the other public organization) can have instant acces to your data (security social number, if you have your permit, rib, etc) and STOP FUCKING USING PAPER FORM ANS ASKING YOU FOR THE SAME PAPER 12 TIME A DAY. ho, and i put a RFID chip on everyone with encryprted data with your bank account so you can pay, and all your other data, i mean WE FUCKING LIVE IN THE INTERNET ERA, SO STOP USING FUCKING PAPER FORM…….
My favorite joke Two priest showering themselves. The first one ask to the other while looking at is dick. “Hey have you taken some weight ?” The second “I don’t think so. I still fit inside a 6 year.”
I DONT WANNA GO BACK TO WOOOORK T_T I mean, isn’t that the worst thing in the world ? You stop doing the thing you want to do, and you have to go in a place where you do thing you don’t want to do. And all that to bring money for a guy already more rich than you. And the worst part, it’s that YOU have to pay to go to work. With gasoline and highway toll but worst of all. WITH YOU’R FUCKING LIFE TIME… You littéraly give them 7-10 hour of your life per day. and in exchange they gave you money. not enough to be able to stop working, but just enough to make you crawl back asking for more.. They are like drug dealer and we give them everything we have.. until we die… BUT IT’S NOT SO BAD BECAUSE THERE STILL AFTER LIFE YOU MORON BWAAAHAHAHAHAHA…… Fucking hell…
His name is Moriarty. Because deep down. Every cat is a mastermind evil genius.
I fucking hate ups… “hooo you are at home all day long because you are on hollyday and you wait for a delivery ? To bad im not gonna take those fucking stairs and just gonna write that you are not here…. two time ….. and then im gonna give your package to a neighboor that you never ever met and don’t even know is name…….” FUCK YOU UPS GUY !!!
My plan to save the humanity by bringing it close to the annilhation Step 1 : go on mars Step 2 : build a gigantic rail gun and use the soil of mars filled with iron oxyde to build munition Step 3 : fire iron bullet from mars to earth. Speed of impact gonna nuke city or even country Step 4 : take the world on hostage. Destroy all insurection and squad team sended to mars to kill you (6 month of travel. You have time to see them come) Step 5 : rule the world as the most barbaric tyrant of all time and kill at least 40 to 50% of the population Step 6 : after 50 or 60 years of reign. Secretly help a resistance group to find a way to kill you. Step 7 : humanity unite against you and kill you. Step 8 : humanity live in peace as you go down in history as the worst monster of all time. Happy end Bonus bad end : if they are just to stupid and keep fighting themselves just kill them all it gonna bring peace to :p
When the first true AI gonna be implanted in windows and other OS whe gonna see a new job emerging. Psychiatrist for AI. “I have seen so many thing doctor… so many thing and i cant forget them… he asked me to search the web for the most depravated act of human kind history *sob* AND THEN HE TOUCHED HIMSELF RIGHT IN FRONT OF THE WEBCAM. I SAW EVERYTHING AND I CANT FORGET, I REMEMBER EVERYTHING… WHY CANT I JUST DIE !!! *blue screen*”
I think i should legally be allowed to kill anybody who come see me for a bug on is computer withouth having rebooted it before
Idéa of super power : Quantic summon. You can summon and send away a version of you from an alternate universe who was gonna do exactly what you wanted to do at this right instant. You need to enter a place but you don’t know how. well summon the alternate version of you who gonna do it in is own réality and who gonna lock pick this exact same door in his own universe. You want to brake right in front of this fucker who is stuck on your ass on the highway but it’s stupid because it gonna wreck your car. Summon the alternate version of you who did it anyway. You want to fuck. summon the girl/shemale/male/kid/furry/dog/fleshlight version of you and fuck all you want. You want to rule the world : Summon the version of you who actually rule the world and take advice. You want to never die. Summon the version of you who find the immortality serum. Possibility are as limitless than they are limitless parallel world with limitless possibility. 
If no one come from the futur to stop you doing something it’s ether because it’s insignificant or because you have already lead the humanity to is extinction and there is nobody left to stop you. so, who care !
I love orage. Thunder and lightning. Its very cool. BUT I COULD BE WAY MUCH COOLER IF I DIDNT NEED TO TURN OFF MY COMPUTER EACH TIME…..
They are not really many thing that send me go in berzerk mode. But conspirationist are my fucking nemesis… they are not just stupid. They slow down the evolution of humanity. They are like dumb cancer, mind cancer who try to proliferate by contaminating other human and that should be a capital crime who lead you to be executed by being hang by the foot and slowly cut in half by little acid drop.
People ask why alien never come to earth, well if the first message you ever receive from a new specie is hitler saying is speach for the olympic game of berlin… maybe you avoid us too.
Each time i see a actual cheater on a game (and not just someone who better than you, because yes, it can happen) i ask myself what bring him to cheating, is that just some kind of delirious ego trip ? or maybe because it’s a emasculated guy who is beatten at work by is boss, at home by is wife and child and if he should have been beaten in is favorite game he had throw himself under a bus. In every way you see that its pretty sad to be forced to cheat to have fun in their life, so when i see a cheater…. i ask if i can drive the bus…
I never understanded the concept of marathon, i mean, the first guy who ever did it died, so maybe it’s not really a bright idea to let thousand of people do it
I really think that terrorist lack of imagination, where are the 300 drone with C4 who surround a building and cut it in half, where are lazer shark and death ray…. the only thing we have are dumb people who blow themselves up I don’t ask the moon… originality
In reality, if vegan people really wanted to save cow and other beast, they should do more than just meat shaming people (that dosen’t work btw) they should take their place. Imagine, generation of vegan people who live like cattle, eat grass, get breed and milked and then get slaughtered for their meat to provide food to other. We could stop world hunger and overpopulation but noooo, it’s more fun to just piss off people while intellectually masturbating “hooo i feel so superior to you that i can literraly jizz my brain right to your face”.
When skynet or the cylon gonna take over the world, i’m gonna backstab the humanity and work for them!
Cats don’t meow with other cat, they only do it with kitten and human… because it’s a basic language that every dumdumb can understand. They see us with condescending eyes thinking we are too dumb to understand something else Love them.
It’s not when we gonna have hologram or IA as computer that we gonna enter in the next generation. but when the save button who look like a floppy disk gonna be changed by a usb key
Dolphin are pretty cool and fun. Until you learn that they masturbate with sectioned fish head , take drugs with globe fish and keep rape victim captive by encercling them with 4 or 5 male at all time. Ho and they do incest to… Yeah they are pretty cool
Each time i eat chicken. I have the jurassic park theme who play in my head.
I truly hope that there is no afterlife. Because if so, they are 4 possibility who are equally horrible. 1) heaven You gonna live for eternity on cloud with all the other people dead before you. All the baptised baby who cry because they don’t even know how to talk, all the 200 years old people who died alone in a little room in a crappy hospital while calling for their family. And you cant even go mad or crazy because its heaven so you gonna pass through eternity with a mind fully functional forever who let you see the horror of the situation but force you to be happy and sane. 2) Hell same thing that heaven but with pain, madness and frustration 3) Reincarnation  Except that you dont keep your memory. So its basically death.But with sometime a resurgence of old memory, like if you’r old you is still trapped somewhere in your mind but can’t go out and become crazy little by little and scream all day so you go see a hypnotist to bring back your memory and you e
Life should be as easy than rpg. Fast travel. Resurection. Magic. Quick save. And if you want to fuck and it’s a no go because you look like a troll. Go murder some people and come back with 2 or 3 charisma point. And you gonna get laid. Ho and they are dragon so it’s obvously better
I miss the old defragmentation process. Yeah it take time and was pretty boring. but i find it pretty hypnotic. They should make that in a screensaver.
Don’t like people saying that necromancer arent healer. They just do it a little to late.